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Northeast Kansas Soil Health Workshop Flyer - Final 07-31-2024
Northeast Kansas

Northeast Kansas Soil Health Field Days

August 12, 2024 August 13, 2024

The Kansas Soil Health Alliance invites you to join us at our Northeast Kansas Soil Health Field Days on August 12 and 13.  August 12 presentations and tours will be crop focused while August 13 will cover livestock and touch on specialty crops.  On the evening of August 12, all are welcome for a BBQ dinner, drinks, and open discussion about soil health.  Sign up today for one or both days of this FREE event at KSsoilhealth.org.

For those needing lodging, a block of rooms has been set up at the Best Western Plus in Hiawatha, KS for August 11-13.  Room rate is $106 per night plus tax.  Reservations can be made by calling the hotel at 785-740-7000 by July 28th and mentioning Kansas Soil Health.

 Monday, August 12 Morning: Aberle Farm, SE of Sabetha

From 75 Hwy, go east on 176th Road 1 ¼ miles

  • David Doctorian, Kansas NRCS State Conservationist: Informal discussion about soil health and why it matters for Kansas. 
  • Lynn Hennigan, Glacial Hills RC&D Soil Health Specialist: Economic benefits of soil health practices. 
  • Aberle Farm field tours:  Nick is a no-till farmer who has incorporated cover crops following wheat and fall crops.  While touring the fields, attendees will have the opportunity to help conduct simple, in-field, soil health assessments using the tests and tools provided in Kansas Soil Health Alliance’s Soil Health Buckets. 

Monday, August 12 Afternoon: Klinefelter Farm, Hiawatha

1774 230th St, Hiawatha, KS, 66434

  • Cool season cover crops will be on display throughout the afternoon.
  • Davis Behle, Green Cover Sales Representative: “Progressive Cover Cropping” – Using cover crops on your farm is a journey. It’s important to recognize that this journey will take time and we must figure out our starting point and direction we want to go before deciding what cover crop to use. Wherever you may be on your cover cropping journey, you will learn various practical strategies to get you started using cover crops or taking the next step in the journey. 
  • Heartland Soil Services: soil testing for soil health followed by ample time for questions from the audience.
  • Representatives from organizations and agencies will share cost-share opportunities and tools.
  • Candy Thomas, NRCS Regional Soil Health Specialist: Rainfall simulator.
  • Paul Jasa, University of Nebraska Extension Engineer: “Fine-Tuning Your Equipment for No-Till Success – Tips and tricks learned from 30+ years of No-Till”
  • Warm season cover crop plot tour – View single species and multi species cover crops growing in-field

The day will end with the optional BBQ dinner.

Tuesday, August 13: Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska Reservation, White Cloud

3345 B Thrasher Rd., White Cloud, KS 66094

  • A tribe representative will share how they are taking a holistic approach towards health lands and water, people, plants, and animals on the reservation.
  • Farm tour show many of the regenerative fields and enterprises of the tribe
  • Grazing Livestock on Covers Producer Panel featuring RJ Dake of Hidden Hill Farms, Phillip Simmonds, Iowa Tribe Livestock Manager, Mark Grollmes, and Tim Aberle
  • Will Boyer and Daniel Skucius, K-State Extension Water Specialists: hands-on demonstrations of livestock watering options



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1770-1792 230th St
Hiawatha, Kansas 66434 United States
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